Tab’s Favorite Things:2024
Vegan Polar Combat Boots: Shanice Imari
Website: https://shaniceimari.com/
Instagram: / official.shanice.imari
Apparel by Cuzzo Clothing Company http://www.cuzzoclothing.com https://www.instagram.com/cuzzoclothing/
Custom Signs: Just add a Bow by Shervon
Sunglasses and Pens - So Blingtastic
http://soblingtastic.etsy.com http://www.instagram.com/so_blingtastic/
Pet Accessories by Spoiled Pet Accessories
http://spoiledpetaccessories.com https://www.instagram.com/spoiledpetaccessories/
Yoga mats by Jayei Athletics LLC
Vegan Leather Handbags and Nic's Shirt by Von Lee and Company
https://www.vonleeandcompany.net/ https://www.instagram.com/vonleeandcompany/
Hair Care Accessories by Crown Luv https://mycrownluv.com/ https://www.instagram.com/mycrownluv/
Candle of the week by Tribe and Oak https://tribeandoakhome.com/ http://www.instagram.com/tribeandoak
T-Shirts and Sweaters by Fokised Apparel https://www.fokisedapparel.com/ https://www.instagram.com/fksdapparel/
T-Shirts and Book by Different Is The New Cool
Children's book and doll by Planting People Growing Justice Press and Bookstore https://www.ppgjbooks.com/ http://instagram.com/ppgjbooks
Earrings by Tasselfifteen
https://tasselfifteen.com/ https://www.instagram.com/tasselfifteen/
Submissions Are Paused
We are sorting through the submissions for the rest of this season.